All the electricty you need for a low, fixed fee

Project Energy Society

with Jonas Birgersson

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After the network society comes the energy society

Jonas Birgersson and Mathias Sundin

In the 1990s, Jonas Birgersson became an internet pioneer by promising and delivering all the internet you need for a low fee.

Now he believes that the same thing can be done with electricty.

"For a low, fixed price, you have all the electricty you need."

Warp Editorial Staff

πŸ”‹ Elonroad delivers electric switches to the energy society

The key to a low and fixed price for green electricity is the sharing of energy. This requires batteries and other energy storage solutions - and an electric switch. Elonroad will become the supplier for such a switch. Another piece is added to the energy society.

Warp Editorial Staff

πŸ’° Funding to create an open energy protocol for energy sharing

The City of Lund is awarded $2 million, part of which will go to Project Energy Society and the development of an energy protocol. This will enable energy sharing and a low fixed cost for all the electricity you need.

Mathias Sundin

πŸ”‹ Towards the Energy Society - part 1

Jonas Birgersson made it into the history books as Sweden's foremost champion of the internet revolution. Now, he's using everything he learned then to do it again. This time it's an energy revolution.

Warp Editorial Staff

πŸ”‹ Major progress for Project Energy Society: Signs deal covering 20% of Sweden's homes

The concept of local electricity production, storage, and sharing of energy will be offered to Sweden's public housing companies. Project Energy Society, which includes the Warp Institute, aims to create an abundance of cheap and clean energy at a low fixed price

Warp Editorial Staff

πŸ”‹ Funding for Project Energy Society

Sweden's innovation agency, Vinnova, has awarded $100,000 to Lund for the CoAction project, in which Project Energy Society is included. The goal is to create a new electricity grid with energy sharing, enabling a low fixed price for electricity.

Mathias Sundin

πŸ”‹ The first prototype of the Energy Society will be built here

In Lund, in the south of Sweden, the first prototype for the Energy Society will be built and is expected to be operational next year.

Mathias Sundin

πŸ”‹ Small batteries stepped in - showcasing the strength of the Energy Society

A short circuit in a switchgear knocked out two nuclear power reactors, the subway, traffic lights and disrupted radio transmissions. A savior in times of need was a few hundred household batteries.

Warp Editorial Staff

πŸ”‹ They will create an open energy-sharing standard, EP

The internet runs on the world's largest standard, the Internet Protocol. Now a group is creating an open standard for energy sharing, the Energy Protocol, EP.

Warp Editorial Staff

πŸ’‘ The Energy Society Manifesto

At this time in history, an abundance of clean energy for a low fixed cost is possible.

Mathias Sundin

πŸ’‘ Optimist’s Edge: Electricity too cheap to meter

πŸ’‘ With storage and the ability to share energy you can get all the electricity you need for a low flat fee, creating a new society.

Warp Editorial Staff

πŸ”Œ Launch of Project Energy Society – electricity for a low flat fee

The goal is to be able to offer all the electricity you need at a low fixed price. Anyone who thinks that would be important for society and wants to contribute to that, is welcome to join and help.

Mathias Sundin

πŸ”Œ Jonas Birgersson: "All the electricity you need for a low, fixed fee"

Jonas Birgersson became an internet pioneer by promising and delivering all the internet you need for $20 a month. Now he believes that the same thing can be done with electricity. "For a low, fixed price, you have all the electricity you need."

From idea to reality in an open process

Warp Institute, together with Jonas Birgersson, will make this a reality - and you are invited to join us.

We will host events and workshops and organize an online community to make this future come true.

You can be an energy expert, but you don't have to. Starting a groundbreaking company requires many different skills.

We will host events and workshops and organize an online community to make this future come true.

To get involved, sign up for the Warp News free weekly newsletter.

You'll get invites to future events and workshops and will stay up to date with the project.

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Can it be done?

Yes! We are convinced that this is possible.

But even more important: This is something that we think is important to create a better future for humanity.

That is why we want to do our part in making it happen - ASAP!