The world is far better than you're being told.

We write about the fact-based, optimistic news that shows what's really going on.

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What is Warp?

Community. Ideas. Impact.

Warp News

Fact-based Optimistic News
on the possibilities of innovation.

Warp News shares stories focusing on possibilities first, balancing the constant negative headlines. These stories of innovation and human progress, give you an edge over the pessimists.

Editorial Essays

from world-class writers.

These top minds in their fields contribute to Warp News because they believe in our mission of spreading fact-based optimism all over the world.

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Warp Community

Do you want to have a positive impact on the future? We do. That is why we cover the impact of startups that are solving the challenges we still face.

You are invited to get behind the scenes and follow them from the garage to the Nasdaq.

Help them succeed by giving your insights, sharing their news, and becoming an eary adopter.

We're building a bridge between people who want to have a positive impact on humanity’s future and the impact companies that are driving it forward.

Mathias Sundin β€”
The Angry Optimist

Co-founder & CEO of Warp News
Co-founder & Executive Chairman of the
Warp Institute Foundation

Mathias used to be a Member of Parliament, but choose not to run for reelection in 2018, because he had seen a big opportunity to have a more positive impact on the future.

Over the years he had become angry over how pessimists were seen as rational. Frustrated when optimists were mocked. Annoyed with the news media for their focus on negative news.

At the same time, he got more and more optimistic about the future of humanity. Life on Earth improved at a rate never seen before.

But progress was slowed down by all the pessimism. To solve enormous challenges like climate change we need to move faster.

Mathias started dreaming of a world where optimists are seen as rational. With news media showing a fact-based view of the world. And naive pessimists don't stand in the way of progress.

Therefore he founded the non-profit Warp Institute Foundation with the mission to make the future come sooner.

Warp Institute started gathering fact-based optimists from all over the world in a community.

In the community ideas are born that move humanity forward.

One future that we must make come sooner is the green future. Slowing down and stopping climate change requires faster action, more ideas and new technology.

That is why we cover the impact startups doing that.

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