🌟 Swedish researchers have a new method for producing cooking oil - using electricity and carbon dioxide

🌟 Swedish researchers have a new method for producing cooking oil - using electricity and carbon dioxide

Cooking oil produced using a completely new method may be a future alternative to palm oil. Development is ongoing.

Per Soderstrom
Per Soderstrom

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Could it be a competitor to palm oil?

Chemistry researchers Magnus Westergren and Anders LorΓ©n describe the process as an electrical photosynthesis. Patents have already been granted for the method.

This cooking oil could be made locally, in conjunction with large carbon dioxide producers:

For example, a medium-sized paper mill emits about five hundred thousand tons of carbon dioxide per year. These emissions could be converted to one hundred and seventy thousand tonnes of cooking oil - which is enough for six million people.

If we succeed in bridging the innovation, it can give Sweden (and other countries!) a new industry branch - while reducing the demand for palm oil.

Magnus and Anders have developed the method in collaboration with the state research institute RISE . They have named the area Power to Food.

There is a challenge that must be solved - the energy that goes into making it. At present, eight large wind farms would be required to drive production at the exemplary paper mill.

It may sound insurmountable, but it is worth a realistic solution - the production above corresponds to the amount of five hundred square kilometers of oil plantation. That area could be rainforest instead.

Let the future come faster!

Source: AGFO

News tip: Henrik AhlΓ©n