5 Blockchain Breakthroughs Coming in the Next 5 Years

5 Blockchain Breakthroughs Coming in the Next 5 Years

Rich Spuller
Rich Spuller

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In almost every industry you can think of, blockchain is poised to cut out middlemen, dramatically improve transparency, and multiply the efficiency of countless transactions worldwide.

While most well-known for its application in cryptocurrencies, blockchain is on the cusp of fundamentally revolutionizing supply chains, healthcare, elections, and real estate.

But What Is Blockchain, and How Does it Work?

Blockchains emerged in 1991 as a way to timestamp digital documents, but became much more widely-known in 2009 when โ€œSatoshi Nakamoto,โ€ whose true identity is disputed, used blockchain to create the cryptocurrency Bitcoin.

A blockchain is a decentralized database shared across a network of computers, or โ€œnodes,โ€ that can only be altered after approval from all nodes in the system. Once information is created in a blockchain, it is very difficult to change.

Each block within a blockchain contains (1) data, (2) the hash, or a digital fingerprint of the block,…
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