This Startup Is Dreaming of a Global Brain on Blockchain

This Startup Is Dreaming of a Global Brain on Blockchain

Rich Spuller
Rich Spuller

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Artificial intelligence is one of the most celebrated and hyped concepts today. From science fiction to the nightly news, AI has been making record headlines, whether it will become the most dangerous technology around or the one most likely to save humanity. And it isn’t the only technology riding the hype wave. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain, once the territory of dark net denizens and righteous Redditors, are topics of conversation in even the most venerable and stodgy of publications.

What happens when you combine the two? Yes, a buzzword Armageddon. But also a fascinating vision of a future in which AI and blockchain converge.

Decentralized blockchain technology may hold the key to tapping AI’s potential in a democratized way, one that opens participation in the AI economy of the future to more than just a tiny handful of the largest technology behemoths. And blockchain may even be used to…
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