What Does Ethical AI Look Like? Here’s What the New Global Consensus Says
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Elon Musk usually isn’t one for advocating regulation and oversight.
But when it comes to AI, he doesn’t mince words. AI is humanity’s “biggest existential threat,” he once proclaimed to some controversy. While that statement may be overblown, the fears aren’t: AI will be the next technological force that transforms the face of society—for better or worse—much as the industrial revolution once did.
The potential threats of AI are many, and most people agree that ethical AI that benefits humanity as a whole is critical for this technological quantum leap.
But what exactly does “ethical AI” mean?
Ethics is a shifting, amorphous concept that can rapidly change among different cultures, societies, and values. Although there’s been numerous attempts at drafting an ethical AI guideline, what remains unclear is if everyone—regardless of sector, socioeconomic status, culture, or religion—is in agreement. What’s ethical for a WEIRD society may not be so…
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