Elina Holmgren Tyskling

Elina Holmgren Tyskling

Web Editor at Warp News

Elina Holmgren Tyskling 2 min read

πŸ₯ Xenobots – how the first living robot will change healthcare

Xenobots - small robots built of skin cells can be an important tool of the future, in everything from cancer treatment to curing old age.

Elina Holmgren Tyskling 1 min read

🧠 New types of chips can improve "brain-computer-interfaces"

Brain-computer interfaces are likely to be a key part of our future. Progress has now been made regarding the required chip.

Elina Holmgren Tyskling 10 min read

πŸ’‘ Optimist's Edge: Find your flow and become more productive

Do you suffer from time anxiety? Then you probably don't have too little time, but use the time you've got in the wrong way. There are ways to change that – we show you how to find your flow and become more productive.

Elina Holmgren Tyskling 1 min read

🧚 Scientists created AI that writes fairy tales for children

Can an AI create fairytales with images? Yes, they can. And readers even think they're pretty good.

Elina Holmgren Tyskling 1 min read

πŸ€– Facebook releases platform for robot developments

Facebook has created a platform where developers can build robots with the ability to recognize natural language, perform tasks and navigate their surroundings.

Elina Holmgren Tyskling 1 min read

🐨 AI-system will monitor koala population in Australia

The koalas are severely threatened by climate change as bushfires eliminate the koala's habitat. An AI hub will now be established in Australia to analyze data on the population.

Elina Holmgren Tyskling 5 min read

🌎 The near-death experience of the multiverse

The fine-tuning irritates the prosaic. But still, it can be found everywhere in physics. Do you know about the fine-tuning that enabled the creation of the multiverse?

Elina Holmgren Tyskling 2 min read

⚑ Ethereum is releasing an update that will help decrease energy use

The cryptocurrency Ethereum is about to be upgraded and become "proof of stake." This will mean a significant reduction in energy consumption in the network and is therefore considered a benefit for the environment.

Elina Holmgren Tyskling 2 min read

πŸ’ŽScientists have created a time crystal that dodges physical laws

A system of particles that move without producing or consuming energy, in perpetuity. Does that sound strange? This is exactly what scientists have created in a quantum computer.