๐ŸŒณ Spectacular rooftop forest planned for an old Courthouse in London

๐ŸŒณ Spectacular rooftop forest planned for an old Courthouse in London

A spectacular rooftop forest is planned for an old courthouse in London. 125 trees and more than 10 000 plants will be planted.

Linn Winge
Linn Winge

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In London, an old courthouse will be home to the largest rooftop forest in all of Europe. It will contain 125 trees and more than 10 000 plants in total. The project is called Roots in The Sky and the public will have access to this garden. Also, Londoners with a green thumb will have access to gardening sheds and beds to grow plants. There will also be a community seed bank and barn.

Fabrix, an architecture, design and technology company that transforms underused urban spaces, are running Roots in the Sky. According to Good News Network, in order to support the 1300 tons of soil loaded into the rooftop, the Fabrix team has created a hybrid structure of steel and cross laminated timber.

This rooftop will, besides a forest, include a bar, swimming pool, and a private terrace for the offices below. All the plants on the rooftop will benefit from a passive water capture and irrigation system. Hopefully this project can reintroduce wildlife into the city.

In January next year, 2023, the work to create this urban forest is planned to begin.

Picture: Fabrix Roots in the Sky via Good News Network