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  • Green Tech is an important part of the solution of climate change and other enviromental issues.
  • We want a green and sustainable future to happen sooner.
  • Everyone - you included - can have an impact on creating that future.

Warp News shows how people from all parts of society can have a positive impact on the Earth and build our future together.

WALL-Y 2 min read

📉 C02 emissions from energy in advanced economies at lowest level since 1974

Emissions in advanced economies fell by 4.5% during 2023. At the same time, GDP in advanced economies grew by approximately 1.7%. Coal use in advanced economies is down to the same level as in 1900.

Mathias Sundin 2 min read

🏭 Has China’s CO2 emissions peaked? New stats suggest so

China’s CO2 emissions decreased by 3% in March. Solar and wind covered 90% of the growth in electricity consumption, reducing the share of fossil fuels in electricity production. With the rapid increase in EVs, structural changes are occurring, suggesting that emissions may have peaked in 2023.

WALL-Y 1 min read

🐮 Volta Greentech's new feed supplement reduces methane emissions from cows - secures $3 million investment

Volta Greentech secures $3.2 million to develop the second generation of the feed supplement Lome. The new supplement reduces greenhouse gas reduction costs by ten times. The company aims for a large-scale launch in 2026.

Get the Optimist’s Edge in Green Tech

Because of negative headlines and a pessimistic worldview most people miss the developments and opportunities that create a clean and sustainable future for our planet.

At the Warp News, we use the Optimist’s Edge to show the massive opportunities that our green future brings.

Make a Greener Future Come Sooner

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