β Self-adhesive film turns smart watches into a medical laboratory
A self-adhesive film can make smart watches much more advanced when it comes to measuring the health of the user.
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Researchers at UCLA in the US have developed a thin film that can measure blood sugar levels, nutrients and metabolism in the body .

The film can easily be fixed under a smart watch and send measurement values ββto the watch. This way, everyone with a smart watch gets a small medical laboratory on their arm without the need for any implanted sensors in the body.
The film contains sensors that can measure small amounts of molecules in the sweat. The sensors need very little sweat so even if a person sits still, the sensors get enough information.
The researchers have built a prototype of a clock to show that the technology works, but the hope is that the large clock manufacturers will license the technology. If successful, hundreds of millions of people will soon be able to access their own small laboratory 24 hours a day.

Read more about the technology behind the film here.
Read more about what information the film can get out of sweat here.
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