🚘 More sustainable driving when the cloud takes over the steering wheel

🚘 More sustainable driving when the cloud takes over the steering wheel

It's time to listen to your car – so you don't have to wait until it breaks before taking it to the workshop. Cloud technology is crucial for self-driving vehicles, connects manufacturers and users closer to each other – and makes your ride more environmentally friendly.

Anna RennΓ©us Guthrie
Anna RennΓ©us Guthrie

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Presented by Amazon Web Services

Not sure when it's time to change tires on your car? Not for the season, but because the tires have done their thing and are run out? Or do you want to be able to take the EV for a longer trip but get sweaty at the mere thought of having to think about where the nearest charging station is?

These troubles belong to the past. Or should do, if you interpret Jon Allen correctly. Allen has just shouldered the role as Director for the newly launched "Automotive" practice from Amazon Web Services, AWS.

Aurora + AWS = true

At the recent AWS conference re: Invent, innovations in several areas have been in focus, not least on transportation. A lot is happening. The big news is that Aurora, active in self-driving technology, is teaming up with AWS to develop its "Aurora Driver" using the AWS cloud.

Aurora Driver consists of sensors that perceive the world, software that plans a safe route, and a computer connecting everything with the vehicle itself. Aurora Driver is designed to be used for all types of vehicles.

The AWS cloud will help Aurora Driver to be tested and further developed in various ways and be able to store the large amounts of information that real-world driving tests generate. In addition, up to 12 million driving simulations a day are planned with the support of AWS virtual test centers before the end of the year.

An advantage of the cloud is, among other things, that it is possible to develop and update self-driving vehicles ever faster. AWS IoT FleetWise collects data from manufacturers that form the basis for applications that can then assist in remote diagnosis and troubleshooting individual vehicles and analyze entire vehicle fleets to prevent vehicles from having to be recalled.

Self-driving vehicles impossible without the cloud

Jon Allen describes how cloud technology is a prerequisite for the leap now being taken in the autonomous field.

"Autonomous technology is extremely complex. It would not be possible without the cloud."

Even as far down as the level of the individual private user, the extensive data collection means that it becomes easier to be a car owner. And at the same time get more of a direct relationship with the car manufacturers.

"I now receive messages directly on the phone that says it's time to come into the workshop, your right tire needs to be fixed, and such."

Fears that it would become increasingly challenging to handle even more technology in the cars, as they become more computer-like, are quickly refuted by Jon Allen.

"On the contrary, it is becoming easier for drivers. My father, for example, turns on his smartphone in the car, and then it's done. In fact, you do not need as much knowledge about the vehicle anymore since the cloud is there as support."

More environmentally friendly travel

The cloud also means that it becomes easier to plan your driving, making travel more environmentally friendly, says Jon Allen.

"Now it is possible to make an entire route based on where there are charging stations, so you do not have to drive around and look for chargers, says Jon Allen, who sees in front of him how more different needs and offers can be integrated into this."

When you refuel, you may also need to refill with coffee. This will be a development for companies to gather and offer more things at the same time. Maybe a Starbucks is needed at the charging station, Allen exemplifies.

Only the imagination limits what the driving of the future may look like.

Presented by Amazon Web Services

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