πŸ‘Š Green Impact

Meet the people and the ideas that make a bright and sustainable future come sooner.

Magnus Aschan 4 min read

πŸ‘Š "If there is an opportunity to help save the world, you have to take it"

It's not all about electric power and batteries. Traveling smarter and more efficiently is something we can do already. We've met Jesper Johansson who is an expert in Mobility Management.

Linn Winge 4 min read

πŸ‘— "The best way to be more sustainable with your clothing is to keep it in circulation"

Sustainable fashion is a must if we want to care for our planet. One of the companies fighting for a future with sustainable fashion and a circular economy is Storey.

Magnus Aschan 5 min read

πŸ‘Š "My dream is to help everyone grow locally and sustainably"

Hamza Qadoumi has always been curious and liked to solve problems. But he also has a strong interest in nature. This led to Ecobloom whose mission is to create tools for smarter cultivation.

Mathias Sundin 3 min read

πŸ‘Š Pernilla Westergren makes dog food from insects: "I want to start a dog food revolution"

Pernilla Westergren changed careers from investment banking to selling dog food made from insects. That reduces the dogs climate paw prints and is also better for their health.

Mathias Sundin 4 min read

πŸ‘Š "Wouldn't it be great if we could make people rich by saving the climate?"

Huge investments are required by companies to reduce emissions and change to climate-friendly technology. Rison intends to solve that problem, by taking care of the investments and then selling it as a service to the company. The result is directly reduced emissions and costs.

Ewa Thorslund 7 min read

πŸ‘ŠπŸΎ The Norrsken manager: "It's teeming with ambitions and initiatives"

There is something happening on the African continent. Never before have such large foreign investments and venture capital flowed into Africa. The Norrsken manager, Pascal Murasira, sees enormous opportunities.

Mathias Sundin 5 min read

πŸ‘Š "We want to build the world's largest digital mine"

A large industry for recycling electric vehicle batteries is emerging. William Bergh, has founded Cling Systems, which matches sellers of recycled batteries with buyers. He tells Warp about his entrepreneurial journey and shares three business ideas that are waiting to be realized - maybe by you?

Mathias Sundin 6 min read

πŸ‘Š Lupinta founder: "Sustainability shouldn't be about sacrifice"

"It’s in every sustainability conversation – sacrifice, sacrifice, sacrifice", says food-tech entrepreneur, Eslam Salah. "I don't think that is a good approach because it goes against their desires." Instead he created Lupinta, a sustainable alternative to meat and soy.

Anders Frick 5 min read

πŸ‘Š"Getting started is the hardest part"

Thanks to Anders Forslund's electric aircraft, half a billion tonnes less of carbon dioxide will be emitted by 2050. Meet the aviation enthusiast and climate entrepreneur who wants to fundamentally change future transportation.