πŸš€ The dream of Mars is getting closer - and it benefits us all

πŸš€ The dream of Mars is getting closer - and it benefits us all

Elon Musk's SpaceX aims to land humans on Mars, which is why the company was founded. In addition to making us a multiplanetary genus, there will also be technology that benefits us all in its wake.

Erik Almqvist
Erik Almqvist

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In the near future, SpaceX founder and CEO Elon Musk believes that the first man will be able to set foot on Mars. What that would mean for human development is difficult to imagine.

On June 16, 1969 at 09:32, the space shuttle Apollo 11 left Earth and at the same time left an imprint in world history. Eight days later, on June 24 at 13:32, man would set foot on the moon for the first time ever.

For 10 years, 400,000 engineers worked on the Apollo program, which is estimated to cost $ 283 billion in today's money. It was a work that not only made the United States win the space race but also brought pioneering technological development.

SpaceX has been around for 18 years and today the company employs around 8,000 people and has a turnover of around $ 2 billion. Their goal is to put the first humans on Mars. The distance between the moon and Mars differs by almost eight million miles and it takes almost two years to travel there.

When Elon Musk received the Axel Springer Prize in Berlin, he said after the award ceremony that he thought the first humans could land on Mars in " about six years " but then changed to four. SpaceX has recently entered a new phase where they are testing the spaceship "Starship" which they hope will one day take us to Mars. Despite the crash that happened this week, the development is progressing at high speed.

In addition to the incredible achievement that humans could travel to Mars, it could bring incredible technological innovations that benefit humanity.

As a result of the Apollo program, NASA was able to state that technological development took a huge step forward . Among other things, solar panels, a heart monitor, a hand-held vacuum cleaner, a brain X-ray, better protective equipment for firefighters and much more were developed.

Who knows what incredible innovations can come from taking people even further? The phrase "Reach for the stars" has never been more appropriate.