โœˆ Rolls Royce builds aircraft engines that run on hydrogen

โœˆ Rolls Royce builds aircraft engines that run on hydrogen

Environmentally friendly aircraft engines should reduce aviation emissions.

Kent Olofsson
Kent Olofsson

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Aviation today accounts for 2.5 percent of the world's carbon dioxide emissions, but as more and more people choose electric cars, aviation's share of emissions will increase.

To reduce aviation emissions, Rolls Royce in collaboration with the airline Easy Jet has designed a new aircraft engine for passenger flights that runs entirely on hydrogen, Fortune reports.

The engine has not yet been tested in flight, but the goal is to test one in real operation. If successful, hydrogen-powered aircraft engines will be an important milestone in the aviation industry's goal of being emission-neutral by 2050.

"We are pushing the boundaries to see the possibilities of eliminating carbon dioxide emissions using hydrogen, which can help reshape the future of aviation," said Grazia Vittadini, CTO of Rolls Royce.

Now Rolls Royce is not alone in trying to develop "greener" aircraft engines. Airbus and Boeing have also tested methods to reduce emissions. There is still a long way to go before we can see commercial flights using hydrogen engines. But the fact that all the major players are now investing in the area gives hope that we will be able to fly environmentally friendly in the future.