🏃 Electronic skin uses sweat instead of batteries to power health sensors

🏃 Electronic skin uses sweat instead of batteries to power health sensors

A new type of electronic skin can measure different health values ​​and send the result via Bluetooth to a receiver.

Kent Olofsson
Kent Olofsson

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By installing a kind of fuel cell in a thin flexible rubber material, researchers from Caltech in the US have created a new type of electronic skin . The biggest news with this e-skin is that it does not need any battery but can get all the necessary energy from the body's sweat.

The researchers have built a prototype with built-in sensors for heart rhythm, body temperature and blood sugar levels. The e-skin not only receives enough electricity to power the sensors, but can also send measurement values ​​via Bluetooth to a mobile phone, for example.

The researchers now want their e-skin to function as a platform for all kinds of body-close technology. In addition to sensors for different health values, it can also serve as an interface for the connection between man and machine. Something that could give us prostheses that are much easier to control than today's models.

Technically, the power supply works so that fuel cells made of nanotubes are impregnated with an enzyme that breaks down the lactate contained in sweat. It is enough to generate several milliwatts per square centimeter. You will find more detailed technical information here .

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