👶 Uterus transplantation helps the childless to have children

👶 Uterus transplantation helps the childless to have children

Transplanting a uterus from a donor is an effective and safe method to solve infertility for women who lack a functioning uterus.

Kent Olofsson
Kent Olofsson

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Women who do not have a functioning uterus cannot have children, but by transplanting a uterus, these women can become pregnant and give birth to healthy children. The method is still uncommon, but a study from the University of Gothenburg shows that uterine transplants are both effective and safe.

One study followed seven women who received a new uterus. Of these, six became pregnant and gave birth to children. Three of the women gave birth to two children during the seven years of the study. A total of nine children were born with the help of a uterine transplant.

“This is the first complete study that is done and the results are above expectation, both in terms of clinical pregnancy rate and cumulative frequency of live births. The study also shows positive health results, that the children born continue to be healthy and that the long-term health of donors and recipients is generally good”, says Mats Brännström, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Gothenburg and one of the researchers behind the study, in a press release.

Neither recipients nor donors experienced any side effects other than mild pain or minor swelling in the legs. Their mental health was also good after the transplant and neither recipients nor donors had levels of anxiety or depression that needed to be treated.

Read the entire study here.

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