🗳️ New study: No evidence of democratic decline

🗳️ New study: No evidence of democratic decline

The study analyzed data from over 160 countries over a period of 30 years and found no evidence of widespread democratic decline.

Warp Editorial Staff
Warp Editorial Staff

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A new study has found no evidence of widespread democratic decline.

The paper explores the relationship between subjective and objective measures of democratic backsliding and whether there has been a decline in democratic systems worldwide.

The study analyzed data from over 160 countries over a period of 30 years and found no evidence of widespread democratic decline.

The authors noted that while there have been instances of democratic backsliding in some countries, the data did not support the notion of a widespread decline in democracy globally.

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The study counters the prevailing narrative that democratic systems are in decline.

By considering both subjective and objective measures of democratic backsliding, the authors provided a more nuanced and comprehensive understanding of the state of democracy worldwide.

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The study's authors emphasized the importance of their findings, as they offer a positive message of hope and resilience in a time when the state of democracy is often portrayed as being under threat.

They believe that the results of their study demonstrate the need for continued research in this area and highlight the importance of considering both subjective and objective measures of democratic progress.

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