πŸ’‘ Warp News Newsletter #66

πŸ’‘ Warp News Newsletter #66

The week's fact-based optimistic news.

Warp Editorial Staff
Warp Editorial Staff

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πŸ“ Warp News Impact Report - December 2020

Our mission is to make people more optimistic about the future, so they see and grab the opportunities. A mission like that is of course hard to measure. But we believe that the more people we reach with fact-based optimistic content, the bigger impact we'll have.

In December our reach was 452,676. People interacted with our content 24,997 times.

We now have over 14,000 newsletter subscribers and are growing fast in countries like Australia, New Zealand, Estonia, South Africa, Taiwan, Ireland, and Canada.

πŸ‘‰ Read: Warp News Impact Report - December 2020

Mathias Sundin
CEO of Warp News
Chairman of Warp Institute

Fact-based optimistic news of the week

πŸš‘ AI helps doctors find breast cancer up to two years earlier.

A new AI could help radiologists prioritize mammography images and detect breast cancer earlier.

Read the whole article.

πŸ“€ A backup on the moon for all human knowledge.

A foundation wants to create an archive of human knowledge and store it around the solar system on quartz disks that retain the information for billions of years.

Read the whole article.

🦾 Robot powered by AI takes recycling to a new level.

An AI-powered robot can assist humans at recycling centers by sorting through recyclables twice as fast as humans. The AMP Robotics invention is now going global.

Read the whole article.

πŸ’» The pandemic shows the enormous benefits of digitalization.

More flexibility, higher productivity, higher quality of life, and fewer days of sick leave. Working from home is not without problems, but studies show the benefits outweigh them. It took a pandemic to realize this, writes Anna RennΓ©us Guthrie.

Read the whole article.

πŸ€– The robots that cook your dinner.

A specially built robot kitchen and a robot attendant can make cooking a spectator sport in the future.

Read the whole article.

βš“οΈ New way of powering aquatic research robots.

An ex-NASA researcher has unriddled how the thermal energy trapped in the ocean can generate unlimited clean power for aquatic robots.

Read the whole article.