👋 Premium Supporter Profiles

Meet the people who are supporting our mission of spreading fact-based optimistic news. Together with other premium supporters and our Warp News Experts, they learn about the future to gain the optimist’s edge; to see and grab opportunities before the pessimists.

Warp Editorial Staff 3 min read

💡 New Warp Ambassador: Oskar Söderström

The forward-thinking entrepreneur, Oskar Söderström, is Warp News' newest ambassador.

Warp Editorial Staff 2 min read

"We think Warp can play an important role in the way we all view technology development"

We want to support positive news in the world as they create a good contrast to all negative news that dominates everyday media, says John Tengström, Astra Advokater.

Mathias Sundin 3 min read

🔭 "We support Warp to remain forward-looking"

Being a Warp supporter is a way for us to stay up-to-date with impactful technological changes and remain forward-looking in our thinking, which all in all makes us better advisers, says Johannes Hylander, New Republic PR.

Warp Editorial Staff 3 min read

☝️ "My primary source for a more fact-based optimistic worldview is Warp News"

Richard Maltsbarger, CEO of Pet Valu, writes: "It takes looking ahead to what's possible, to imagine an improved world or an improved company, in order for us, as business leaders and teams, to stretch into our next growth opportunity. "

Mathias Sundin 3 min read

Alexandra Kafka Larsson: My vision is a world where decisions are based on data - with respect to everyone's differences

She is a former intelligence officer, who now works as Chief Information Architect at Combitech. AI and VR are the technologies that will do the most good for humanity in the future, she believes.