"We think Warp can play an important role in the way we all view technology development"
We want to support positive news in the world as they create a good contrast to all negative news that dominates everyday media, says John Tengström, Astra Advokater.
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Astra Advokater is a business law-firm located in the capital of Sweden, Stockholm. We've talked to John Tengström, one of the firms founding partners, about why they chose to become Premium Supporters.
Why did your company sign-up for Warp News Premium Supporter?
We think Warp can play an important role in the way we all view technology development and the impact it will have on the world we live in.
We want to support positive news in the world as they create a good contrast to all negative news that dominates everyday media.

What positive impact has technology had for your company and the field you are working in?
Technology has made our work process more effective and environmentally friendly enabled us to work from any location which has turned out to be very useful during the pandemic.
Our industry is slow in digitalization but the changes we´ve seen so far are very useful as of increased effectiveness in the relationship with our clients
How can new technology have a positive impact on your company and your profession in the future?
Enabling technologies will make it easier to serve multiple clients and will increase the quality in legal research that is the basis for legal advice. As an example by utilizing AI and machine learning a lawyer will be able to process larger amounts of data in a shorter period of time and also conduct analysis that is not possible with only human interaction.
What is your vision for humanity in the year 2100?
That we utilized exponential technology to mitigate all environmental issues so current threats are no longer an issue, food and drinking water is in abundance and that expanding into space frontiers is standard and that the estimated lifespan of humans has increased to be well over 100 years
Got any inspiring book/podcast/documentary recommendations?
- Losing My Virginity - by Sir Richard Branson
- Mapping Cloud Nine: Neuroscience, Flow, and the Upper Possibility Space of Human Experience - by Steven Kotler
- Superhuman - by Dave Asprey
- The Future Is Faster Than You Think: How Converging Technologies Are Transforming Business, Industries, and Our Lives - by Peter H. Diamandis, Steven Kotler

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