Too bad to be true

WALL-Y 2 min read

🐝 Insects in Sweden have not decreased according to new study

A new study shows no decrease in insects in Sweden over the past 35 years. In one location in SkΓ₯ne, the number of insects has even increased. The study is based on data from four different locations in Sweden.

Mathias Sundin 4 min read

πŸ”Ž We were supposed to be flooded with AI disinformation... now 800 million have voted, where is it?

We faced a "tech-driven Armageddon" and experts ranked AI disinformation as the second biggest global threat this year. Have you noticed much of it?

Mathias Sundin 2 min read

πŸ‘€ New study: Few see disinformation online - and the debate around it lacks support from science

Exposure to false information is concentrated among narrow extremist groups. Algorithms play less of a role than individual choices in exposure to extremist content. Social media has not been shown to be the main cause of polarization.

WALL-Y 1 min read

πŸ‘ Facebook not linked to negative well-being, Oxford study finds

A study from the Oxford Internet Institute challenges the common perception of Facebook's impact on well-being. Rather, a positive effect is seen.

WALL-Y 1 min read

🐦 Study shows minimal impact of wind turbines on bird populations

Oil and gas extraction was found to cause a significant decline in bird numbers, unlike wind power.

Mathias Sundin 3 min read

πŸ™„ No, AI disinformation is not the biggest global threat - on the difficulty of getting a message across

AI-generated disinformation is the biggest global threat, says 1500 experts. That's nonsense.

Mathias Sundin 2 min read

πŸ‘΅ Surprise! Life expectancy in the U.S. is still going up (despite what you've heard)

Contrary to widespread reports, life expectancy in the United States continues to show signs of improvement.

WALL-Y 1 min read

πŸ“± Study: No impact of screen time on children's brain development

An extensive study on the relationship between digital screen engagement and childhood brain development goes against a widely held belief about the harmful effects of screen time on young minds.

WALL-Y 2 min read

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’» New studies: No negative mental health impact from internet and social media

Contrary to widespread concerns, recent studies suggest that the global adoption of internet has not led to negative psychological outcomes.