๐Ÿฎ Volta Greentech's new feed supplement reduces methane emissions from cows - secures $3 million investment

๐Ÿฎ Volta Greentech's new feed supplement reduces methane emissions from cows - secures $3 million investment

Volta Greentech secures $3.2 million to develop the second generation of the feed supplement Lome. The new supplement reduces greenhouse gas reduction costs by ten times. The company aims for a large-scale launch in 2026.


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  • Volta Greentech secures $3.2 million to develop the second generation of the feed supplement Lome.
  • The new supplement reduces greenhouse gas reduction costs by ten times.
  • The company aims for a large-scale launch in 2026.

Promising results from the second-generation feed supplement

Volta Greentech is developing a feed supplement, Lome, which reduces methane emissions from cows' burps and farts. The company now claims that their new generation of Lome represents a significant improvement over their previous algae-based product, as it is ten times cheaper.

The goal is for this new feed supplement to be in full production by 2026.

Total investment of $10 million

The company has now secured a new investment of $3.2 million. In total, they have raised nearly $10 million since their founding in 2019. Among the investors are two of Sweden's largest food companies, the Axel Johnson Group, which owns Axfood and Martin & Servera, and KFS, which owns Coop Sverige.

Cows account for significant emissions

The planet's approximately one billion cows account for four percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. Microbes in the cow's rumen help break down food, a biological process that releases hydrogen and carbon dioxide. Methane is formed when an enzyme in the rumen combines these two gases. By adding a few grams of Lome to the cow's diet, which contains bioactive compounds that inhibit this enzyme, methane emissions can be reduced by up to 90 percent, according to Volta Greentech.

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