πŸš— An electric car is the world's best-selling car

πŸš— An electric car is the world's best-selling car

An electric car has toppled the Toyota Corolla from the top spot.

Mathias Sundin
Mathias Sundin

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We have previously reported that an electric car became Sweden's best-selling car during the first quarter of 2023. And that an electric car became Europe's best-selling car during the same period.

New data shows that an electric car also became the world's best-selling car in the first three months of this year.

New number one: Tesla Model Y

The electric car in question is Tesla's Model Y.

According to Jato Dynamics, 267,200 Model Y were sold in the first quarter, ahead of Toyota's Corolla with 256,400. Third place went to another Toyota, the Hilux, with 214,700.


Elon Musk was almost completely correct

In 2021, Tesla's founder, Elon Musk, said that he believed that Model Y would soon become the world's best-selling car:

β€œWe think Model Y will be the best selling car or vehicle of any kind in the world. Probably next year. I’m not 100 percent certain next year, but I think it’s quite likely... more likely than not, that 2022 Model Y is best selling car or truck... in the world.”

He missed by one quarter. For the full year 2022, the Model Y came in third place. (Of course, it remains to be seen whether Model Y can hold first place for the whole year 2023.)

Soon only electric cars at the top

It will not be more than a couple of years before all cars at the top of the sales list are electric cars. Their price is constantly falling; among other things, Tesla has promised a new model that will cost about half of what a Model Y costs today. That model will then be in the same price range as the Toyota Corolla.

Toyota has been slow with the transition to electric, despite having a strong position for a long time with the Prius hybrid. Now Toyota holds places 2-5 on the top list, but it wouldn't surprise me if we don't see a single Toyota there in two or three years.

Mathias Sundin
The Angry Optimist

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