πŸ’‘ Premium Supporter recap + fact-based optimistic news

πŸ’‘ Premium Supporter recap + fact-based optimistic news

🧠 Real-time brain tumor diagnosis during surgery. 🚰 MIT: Desalination freshwater cheaper than tap water. 🌌 Scientists make key discovery about antimatter. πŸ” CRISPR-engineered chickens resistant to flu.

Mathias Sundin
Mathias Sundin

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🎀 Overcomplicated

A part of the reboot of Warp News was that I should give more talks, so that more people discover us.

That has happened, but not to the degree that I strive for.

I recently gave a talk to Swedish Aluminum. Before the talk, I met the client, Lars-Inge Arwidson, over lunch.

I have a talk called Optimist's Edge and I told him about it. He thought it sounded good, but emphasized that he wanted to convey hope to the participants. With so much gloom about wars, inflation, and terrorism, it's easy to lose hope.

Afterwards, I thought about that. Am I overcomplicating things?

I had lunch with Klas Hallberg, one of the world's best and most sought-after speakers. He agreed. Simplify, was his message!

I asked you, our subscribers, for help and got a ton of ideas and suggestions. Thank you!

So the new title of the talk is: The future is created by optimists

With the subtitle: A talk about fact-based hope and how that creates better results for your organization.

πŸ‘Š Talk: The future is created by optimists
In my talk, I will show you how to use Optimist’s Edge, the tool and method you can use to find opportunities before everyone else.

Please check it out and let me know what you think.

And if you are hosting an event, please consider me doing a talk.

Mathias Sundin
The Angry Optimist

Premium Supporter content

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πŸ’‘ Read The Techno-Optimists Manifesto

We are becoming a serious counterforce. A counterforce against slowing down, stopping, pausing progress and instead accelerating it. A progress movement.

Read on Warp News

πŸ’‘ Musings of the Angry Optimist: Dumb money

How 'dumb money' became 'smart money', what you should do to knock down a wall, and what to do if you're inside that wall.

Read on Warp News

Fact-based optimistic news of the week

πŸ” CRISPR-engineered chickens resistant to flu

In groundbreaking use of CRISPR gene-editing technology, scientists have engineered flu-resistant chickens. This is a first step towards reducing avian flu outbreaks.

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πŸ”¬ Breakthrough: X-ray vision into the microscopic world

"This type of information that you can get with laser-like X-rays, you just can't get by any other means," says Matthias Kling, a professor of photon science at Stanford University.

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🌌 Scientists make key discovery about antimatter

Scientists confirm antimatter's response to gravity. This is a key discovery that may unlock the reason why the universe is matter-dominated.

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🚰 MIT: Desalination freshwater cheaper than tap water

Breakthrough solar-powered system unveils cheaper desalination process Potential to produce freshwater at costs lower than tap water.

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🧠 New AI enables real-time brain tumor diagnosis during surgery

Scientists unveil an innovative artificial intelligence tool that swiftly diagnoses tumor types during surgery.

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πŸŽ™οΈ Fact-based optimism at your event?

Are you planning a conference or event and feeling too much doom and gloom? Book me, The Angry Optimist, to spread fact-based optimism and hope.
Learn more at mathiassundin.org.