πŸ’‘ Premium Supporter recap + fact-based optimistic news

πŸ’‘ Premium Supporter recap + fact-based optimistic news

🌱 Rhubarbs key to recycling electric car batteries β™Ώ Record high employment and education levels among disabled Americans. πŸ“² Oxford researchers: Overblown fears about misinformation from AI.

Mathias Sundin
Mathias Sundin

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πŸ€– The Centaur's Edge

On Monday I FINALLY sent the final draft of my AI book to the publisher. (Writing is fun, editing is extremely boring.)

The book is called The Centaur's Edge – think, write and communicate better and faster with ChatGPT.

It will first be published in Swedish, but I hope to translate it (using ChatGPT and an American friend) to English as soon as possible and make it available as an ebook.

I live as I learn, so the entire book is written together with WALL-Y. She is the AI bot, created in ChatGPT, writing most of the news for Warp News.

For the book cover I wanted me and WALL-Y together. Her looks I've created earlier in Midjourney.

Jealous of WALL-Y I also wanted to be a centaur, half human, half robot. So I uploaded my photo to Midjourney (an image-creating generative AI tool.)

And instructed it to make me into a cyborg. This is the result.

I think there is room for improvement, both for me and Midjourney... 🀣

Mathias Sundin
The Angry Optimist

Premium Supporter content

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πŸ”‹ Have electric cars reached price parity with fossil fuel cars now?

"...electric cars will reach the same price level as combustion engine cars by 2024," we wrote in 2021. Too optimistic, some said. You are naive, others said. Now it's almost 2024, how naive were we?

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πŸŒ… Climate optimism: Shake the bottle! Pop the cork!

A message from the founder of We Don't Have Time on how we make the positive climate future come sooner.

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Fact-based optimistic news of the week

🌱 Rhubarbs key to recycling electric car batteries

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology have devised a new and efficient way to recycle metals from electric car batteries. The method enables the recycling of 100 percent of aluminum and 98 percent of lithium from used electric car batteries.

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β™Ώ Record high employment and education levels among disabled Americans

Significant increase in full-time employment and university graduation rates among disabled individuals over the last decade.

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πŸ“² Oxford researchers: Overblown fears about misinformation from AI

Generative AI like ChatGPT, Midjourney and DALL-E will β€œtrigger the next misinformation nightmare." But so far, the evidence doesn't support this claim and there are good arguments as to why that won't change, writes three researchers.

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πŸ”‹ Funding for Project Energy Society

Sweden's innovation agency, Vinnova, has awarded $100,000 to Lund for the CoAction project, in which Project Energy Society is included. The goal is to create a new electricity grid with energy sharing, enabling a low fixed price for electricity.

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πŸŽ™οΈ Fact-based optimism at your event?

Are you planning a conference or event and feeling too much doom and gloom? Book me, The Angry Optimist, to spread fact-based optimism and hope.
Learn more at mathiassundin.org.