๐ŸŒž The Angry Optimist on climate optimism at Stockholm Climate Week

๐ŸŒž The Angry Optimist on climate optimism at Stockholm Climate Week

VIDEO: Warp News' Mathias Sundin spoke about a tsunami of climate solutions at Stockholm Climate Week.

Warp Editorial Staff
Warp Editorial Staff

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Warp News is a partner of We Don't Have Time during Stockholm Climate Week, and on Tuesday, the angry optimist, Mathias Sundin, gave a short speech on climate optimism.

9 minutes of climate optimism.

Many people say that "nothing is happening" in climate change. But that's wrong. A lot is happening, but many projects and companies are new and haven't come far yet, so it's hardly noticeable.

When a tsunami wave is out at sea, it looks almost like any other wave. When it reaches the shore, it becomes enormous. That's how it is with climate solutions.

๐ŸŒŠ A tsunami of climate solutions is on its way
At times it feels like very little progress is made to reduce climate change. Things have to be done faster. However, we will probably be surprised in 2035 how incredibly far we have come in reducing emissions. This is because a tsunami of climate solutions is on its way.

If you want to book Mathias as a speaker, you can read more here.

We Don't Have Time's broadcasts from Stockholm Climate Week had over 20 million views and 2,500 people participated as an audience on-site in Stockholm.