πŸ’‘ Premium Supporter recap + fact-based optimistic news

πŸ’‘ Premium Supporter recap + fact-based optimistic news

πŸ”₯ Fewer fires in electric cars. πŸ’‰ 18 million vaccine doses against malaria in Africa. 🌧️ Solar panels? No, RAIN panels. 🦾 OpenAI aims to solve AI alignment in four years.

Mathias Sundin
Mathias Sundin

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Mathias Sundin
The Angry Optimist

Premium Supporter content

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πŸ’‘ Musings of The Angry Optimist: How should one think about Elon Musk?

I discovered Elon Musk ten years ago and became obsessed. This is how my thoughts about him have changed since then.

Read on Warp News

🚒 How a box and a truck driver made the world smaller and the global economy bigger

Loading a medium-sized ship with loose cargo cost $5.86 per ton in 1956. If you instead used containers for the cargo, the cost dropped to 16 cents. This breakthrough dramatically changed the world in the second half of the 20th century.

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Fact-based optimistic news of the week

πŸ”₯ Fewer fires in electric cars compared to fossil-fueled cars (in the country with the highest share of electric cars)

"Electric cars rarely catch fire, and much less frequently than gasoline and diesel cars," says Kjetil Solberg from the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB).

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🌧️ Solar panels? No, RAIN panels

Raindrops can be a source of clean, renewable energy. A new design mimics solar panels, boosting efficiency in raindrop energy collection.

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πŸ’‰ A leap forward in the battle against malaria: 18 million vaccine doses for 12 African nations

Over the last three years, a significant decrease in child deaths due to malaria was observed, owing to the world's first malaria vaccine. Now 12 African countries are to receive 18 million doses of the malaria vaccine.

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🦾 OpenAI aims to solve AI alignment in four years

OpenAI forms a team to align superintelligent AI with human values. And the company is dedicating 20 percent of OpenAI's computing power to it.

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