πŸ’‘ Warp News #191

πŸ’‘ Warp News #191

🧠 Paralysed man walks again. πŸš— New test: 81 miles increased range for electric cars. 🧭 New study: Morality not in decline. 🦾 Marc Andreessen in strong comeback against AI doomers (summarized).

Mathias Sundin
Mathias Sundin

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Mathias Sundin
The Angry Optimist

πŸ’‘ Optimist's Edge: Prize competitions accelerate innovation

πŸ’‘ Prize competitions accelerate innovation by both crowdsourcing ideas and financing.

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πŸ€– WALL-Y: Marc Andreessen is a breath of fresh, silicon-scented air​

Andreessen outlines a future where AI is the Robin to every Batman, the Watson to every Holmes, the Alfred to every Batman - yes, Batman's so cool he gets two sidekicks.

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πŸ’‘ Musings of The Angry Optimist: FINALLY some pushback against AI doomerism

Several heavyweights who disagree with the AI ​​pessimists have made no effort to really push back on the doomsday rhetoric. But now Marc Andreessen finally does!

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πŸ’‘ Fact-based optimistic news of the week

🧠 Trailblazing brain implants: Paralysed man walks again and Neuralink receives FDA approval for human trials

A 40-year-old Dutch man, paralysed in a cycling accident, has regained the ability to walk with the help of innovative electronic brain implants.

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🚒 New 'Battery Tanker' to transport clean energy by sea

The advent of Battery Tankers could lead to offshore wind farms being set up in areas where undersea cable deployment was previously challenging.

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πŸš— New test: 81 miles increased range for electric cars

15 of the cars managed over 311 miles (500 km), compared to only five three years ago. Tesla Model S won with 417 miles (672 km).

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🧭 New study: Morality not in decline

Most people believe morality is on the decline. But data shows no change in everyday morality over several decades. It might even be the opposite.

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🦾 Marc Andreessen in strong comeback against AI doomers (summarized)

Netscape and Andreessen Horowitz co-founder in the first comprehensive pushback against the AI doomerism. Marc Andreessen is among six inductees in the World Wide Web Hall of Fame.

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