πŸ’‘ Warp News #197

πŸ’‘ Warp News #197

⚠️ Seismic shift: Earthquakes detectable hours in advance, instead of minutes. πŸ’‰ First tuberculosis vaccine in 100 years is in sight. β›ˆοΈ Better weather forecasting with AI. πŸ”¬ RNA-guided system in animals shows promise for human genome editing.

Mathias Sundin
Mathias Sundin

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😑 One can never be furious in peace!

On Facebook, there are several groups for those who are angry about new things like electric cars. I'm in a few of them because I find it interesting to hear their arguments.

Sometimes, I also find it amusing to tease them. So, every now and then, I share our news that electric cars don't catch fire as often as gasoline or diesel cars.

The news at the end of July about a ship with electric cars on board being on fire really stirred up these groups. They were furious! They shared wildly, lamenting how dangerous electric cars are.

Now, it turns out that the electric cars on board were unharmed in the fire, meaning they likely weren't the cause of it at all. Of course, I shared that news with them on Facebook. Teehee.

The sad part is that this makes them better informed than those who got their news from CBS, Daily Mail, Reuters, EuroNews, and Automotive News.

All of them reported on the fire, speculated, and even claimed that the electric cars were the cause. Yet, not a single one of them has followed up and informed their audience that they were probably wrong.

Mathias Sundin
The Angry Optimist

Pssst. Scroll down a little bit, and you'll see my first attempt at writing a poem. Optimism is dead, it's called.

πŸ”ƒ Optimism is dead

Optimism is dead – So don’t fool us that – The future is created by optimists.

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πŸ’‘ Musings of The Angry Optimist: Doomsday talk and climate change

Does doomsday rhetoric about the climate work?

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πŸ’‘ Fact-based optimistic news of the week

⚠️ Seismic shift: Earthquakes detectable hours in advance, instead of minutes

Current earthquake warning systems typically give only a one to two-minute heads-up. But now researchers have identified nearly imperceptible shifts up to two hours before major quakes.

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πŸ”¬ RNA-guided system in animals shows promise for human genome editing

Bacteria use a "scissors" system called CRISPR-Cas against viruses, and scientists have now discovered that complex cells, like ours, have a similar tool too.

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πŸ’‰ First tuberculosis vaccine in 100 years is in sight

Tuberculosis kills over 1.6 million per year. But there is hope on the horizon, with the new M72 vaccine. The first new TB vaccine in a century.

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β›ˆοΈ Better weather forecasting with AI

Historically, weather-forecasting involved numerical models. They took in current data, used math and physics to predict the future, and were quite reliable. However, they took hours to generate results. Now, the world is seeing AI systems that can predict just as accurately but much faster.

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🚒 Nope, there's no sign that electric cars caused the ship fire

Many media outlets reported at the end of July about a major fire on a ship with 500 electric cars on board. They speculated and in some cases claimed that the electric cars were the cause of the fire. Now, as the ship is inspected, it turns out that the electric cars were unharmed.

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