πŸ’‘ Premium Supporter recap + fact-based optimistic news

πŸ’‘ Premium Supporter recap + fact-based optimistic news

πŸ’› Decline in suicides among young people. 🏭 EU sees decline in pollutant emissions. 🐒 Record-breaking sea turtle nesting. 🌊 Less plastic in the oceans than presumed.

Mathias Sundin
Mathias Sundin

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πŸ“… Hopescrolling through August

Even I, who work every day with reading and writing optimistic news, feel a certain astonishment when I scroll through our news from the past month. There's so much positive happening.

These are real events, not just cute stories. Like scientists now racing to be the first to confirm a new force of nature(!), that a new tuberculosis vaccine is on the way, repeated breakthroughs for fusion power, and deforestation in the Amazon is decreasing.

Imagine if everyone scrolled through such a list of news headlines once a month. After a few months, it's impossible to resist; one has to realize that a lot of good things are happening.

Please share our summary of the optimistic news from August with friends and acquaintances and teach them to 'hopescroll'.

Mathias Sundin
The Angry Optimist

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3️⃣ Three steps to become a fact-based optimist

Does it feel like the world is filled with horrors and almost nothing good happens? The terrible things are just one part of reality. To discover the other part, you need a different perspective. One that makes you feel better but also helps you see opportunities that pessimists overlook.

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πŸ’‘ Hopescrolling: 24 optimistic news in August

24 fact-based optimistic news items that show how the world improved in August.

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Fact-based optimistic news of the week

πŸ’› Decline in suicides among young people in 2022

Suicides in the 10-to-24 age bracket decreased by 8.4 percent. The decline counters recent trends.

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🏭 EU sees decline in pollutant emissions amid economic growth

Total emissions in EU Member States dropped in 2021, continuing the decline since 2005. During the same period, GDP grew by 47 percent.

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🌊 Less plastic in the oceans than presumed, says Dutch researcher

Recent research indicates significantly less plastic in oceans than estimated. Around 3 million tons, instead of 50 to 300 million tons of plastic waste.

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🐒 Record-breaking sea turtle nesting observed in northern Palm Beach County

Loggerhead Marinelife Center reports an all-time high in sea turtle nests. The increase from last year is 37 percent.

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