πŸ’‘ Premium Supporter recap + fact-based optimistic news

πŸ’‘ Premium Supporter recap + fact-based optimistic news

⚠️ Seismic shift: Earthquakes detectable hours in advance, instead of minutes. πŸ’‰ First tuberculosis vaccine in 100 years is in sight. β›ˆοΈ Better weather forecasting with AI. πŸ”¬ RNA-guided system in animals shows promise for human genome editing.

Mathias Sundin
Mathias Sundin

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2️⃣ Two tips

There are a whole host of prominent and interesting individuals among our Warp Premium Supporters. My ambition is to share what you do with others in our community. I usually fail at that, but here are two tips anyway.

Johan Norberg had his international breakthrough about twenty years ago when he published In Defense of Global Capitalism. Currently, he has written the sequel, The Capitalist Manifesto. Which has now been reviewed by The Economist.

Another Premium Supporter is Wall Street legend, Jim O'Shaughnessy. He now runs O'Shaugnessy Ventures, which supports and invests in creators around the world.

He now has an interesting podcast, Infinite Loops, but now I mainly wanted to recommend the newsletter and this intriguing text by Jim: Your Memory is Lying to You 🧠

He writes about how easily we deceive ourselves into thinking that we've always felt or thought the way we do now. The antidote is to write down important decisions and why they were made.

Mathias Sundin
The Angry Optimist

Premium Supporter content

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πŸ’‘ Musings of The Angry Optimist: A motorcycle for the mind

Steve Jobs called the computer a bicycle for the mind. Then AI is a motorcycle.

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πŸ”ƒ Optimism is dead

Optimism is dead – So don’t fool us that – The future is created by optimists.

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Fact-based optimistic news of the week

⚠️ Seismic shift: Earthquakes detectable hours in advance, instead of minutes

Current earthquake warning systems typically give only a one to two-minute heads-up. But now researchers have identified nearly imperceptible shifts up to two hours before major quakes.

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πŸ”¬ RNA-guided system in animals shows promise for human genome editing

Bacteria use a "scissors" system called CRISPR-Cas against viruses, and scientists have now discovered that complex cells, like ours, have a similar tool too.

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πŸ’‰ First tuberculosis vaccine in 100 years is in sight

Tuberculosis kills over 1.6 million per year. But there is hope on the horizon, with the new M72 vaccine. The first new TB vaccine in a century.

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β›ˆοΈ Better weather forecasting with AI

Historically, weather-forecasting involved numerical models. They took in current data, used math and physics to predict the future, and were quite reliable. However, they took hours to generate results. Now, the world is seeing AI systems that can predict just as accurately but much faster.

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🚒 Nope, there's no sign that electric cars caused the ship fire

Many media outlets reported at the end of July about a major fire on a ship with 500 electric cars on board. They speculated and in some cases claimed that the electric cars were the cause of the fire. Now, as the ship is inspected, it turns out that the electric cars were unharmed.

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