πŸ’‘ Premium Supporter recap + fact-based optimistic news

πŸ’‘ Premium Supporter recap + fact-based optimistic news

😊 Americans satisfied with their lives. β˜€οΈ EU will hit renewable energy targets ahead of time. πŸ€” Studies: Cynics aren't smarter (they are actually the opposite). 🧬 Human Y chromosome fully sequenced for the first time.

Mathias Sundin
Mathias Sundin

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πŸ“ˆ How's it going?

In March, we did a reboot of Warp News, with the goal of preserving what worked well and fixing what didn't.

What had worked well was that many of those who discovered us became loyal readers and subscribers, and a high percentage also became paying subscribers (Premium Supporters).

The bad part was that too few knew we existed, and therefore our growth was too slow.

In March, I started writing much more of our content, giving more talks, and being more active in appearing in other media, such as in the debate about AI. My key metric became the number of subscribers to the free newsletter.

So, how's it going?

Pretty decent, actually. We have now surpassed 15,000 subscribers to the free newsletter and added over 2,000 since March. That's a bit more than double the previous growth rate. Not rocket speed, but clearly better.

This is 100 percent organic growth. No paid marketing.

That's why you are so important.

When you forward the free newsletter to a friend or share something on social media, that's when we grow.

So, thank you very much for that!

Mathias Sundin
The Angry Optimist

Premium Supporter content

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πŸ‘©β€βš•οΈ If we are to move from sick care to healthcare, someone needs to lead the way

Is Spotify-Daniel Ek's Neko Health the battering ram needed to truly transform sick care into actual healthcare? I've visited them, looked around, and talked to one of the founders, Hjalmar Nilsonne.

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πŸ’‘ Musings of the Angry Optimist: Don't look up, look forward

Is humanity at a crossroads? Two optimistic videos claim so. But such a crossroads does not exist.

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Fact-based optimistic news of the week

🧬 Human Y chromosome fully sequenced for the first time

Decades-long challenge overcome by scientists. Addition of 30 million new bases to the human genome. Discovery reveals 41 new protein-coding genes.

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πŸ€” Studies: Cynics aren't smarter (they are actually the opposite)

Studies debunk the common belief that cynics are more competent. Data from 200,000 individuals across 30 countries supports this conclusion. In fact, individuals with cynical views often performed worse on cognitive ability and academic competency tasks.

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😊 New survey: Americans satisfied with their lives

83% of Americans satisfied with their personal life, matching the historical average. Half of the participants are very satisfied.

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⚑ KÀrnfull Next to build Europe's first SMR park in Studsvik, Sweden

Europe's first park for small modular nuclear reactors, SMR, might be located in the Studsvik area near NykΓΆping, Sweden.

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β˜€οΈ EU will hit renewable energy targets ahead of time

Solar power growth in EU set to exceed 2030 targets ahead of schedule. 41 gigawatts of new solar capacity added in 2022, marking a 40 percent increase from 2021.

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